Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Money for our home land

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is depleting the United States of much needed funds. The taxes collected from imports gave money to our economy. I don't remember what specific uses the money was used for, but I know it could keep people employed at mills and plants. It could be used to repair highways. It could be saved for a rainy day when we need extra funds for hurricane repairs, tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires. This is an issue no politician will speak about or adopt to improve the country. What is are economy going to look like down the road? No one has a clear defining answer.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Senator

I remember going to visit "The Senator" when I was young. On January 16, 2012 a fire claimed the life of the Cyprus tree. It is kind of a sad ending to a small bit of Florida history that many people won't care about. Max is now playing with his pillows and just barking for attention. He played in the sprinklers last night and ate a few hot dogs for lunch. I would like to see the sun come back and the skies turn blue. I am not a fan of gray skies and gloomy weather.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A priceless bird

There it is fresh organic turkey in it's prime

A 15 pound bird that shouldn't take a great deal of cooking time

Where is the price and what do I see?

An 85 dollar sticker staring back at me

I thought to myself does this bird wear diamond rings on his toes?

The butcher cut off his head and feet so nobody knows

What did this bird eat to be such a high priced bird?

Was it caviar, steak or shrimp

no one will utter a word.

Surely this bird is safe to eat because it cost so much money

Would you buy from a store that begins with the letter P

and do you think that is funny?

Friday, January 6, 2012

This is the first of hopefully more to come. My dog is calling me so I can not write much for now. Enjoy the picture and Happy New Year 2012!!!