Thursday, July 26, 2012

Delight in the small things

I took my dog this morning to get a body shave and nails clipped at the pet grooming place. The guy that worked there thought it would take 3 and a half hours, but the other worker called and I picked him up in two hours. Max seemed like a new doggy with less fur to get in the way of the hot summer. I know he will need his coat when the weather gets colder. However, he is still the same dog that loves to chase the lizards. He also likes to race inside from one end of the house to the other with a stuff toy in his mouth. He runs as hard and fast which is funny to watch. I would compare it to watching a train start chugging away building up speed. He goes faster and faster until he plops down and can go no more. When he is through panting he falls asleep. This type of action you can not get from a television show. This is quality time with your pet.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Incident at the restaurant

There are situations that make you count your blessings such as locking your keys in the car with the motor running. How about your dog whom you left in the car with the motor running, locks the car and you don't have a spare key. This happened while I was eating dinner at the local restaurant. I had a birds eye view of everything, but the doggy. I never got to see what the doggy looked like. The owner was so worried about the doggy. She was tapping on the glass window. Even one of the workers in the restaurant tried to get the dog maybe even to unlock the car with a piece of bacon. It didn't work. Finally, the father of the young lady came to the rescue with a spare key. I also forgot to mention the police showed up briefly, but the girl must of reassured him her dad was coming. It was nice to see the windows rolled down and the young lady and her brother took off with the mystery dog. I finished up my dinner and went home to my dog Max who was quietly waiting for me. I knew all was right and the rest of the night would go well.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Wishful thinking

Let me paint an ideal Fall day. The temperature is in the sixty degree range. The sun is not intense. The humidity level is way down. The human and animal energy level is way up. There is a coolness in the air. People have their Fall garden planted producing beans, tomatoes, field peas and squashes. When evening comes a full big gigantic harvest moon emerges. If this occurred over at my sister's place, she would be taking a moonlight horseback ride. If this occurred over at the beach, the moonrise would be worthwhile to watch over the open ocean water. What an idealist view which I didn't mention the changing of the leaves which occurs later in Florida. I would wish the Northern States like Indiana, Kentucky, New York and others have a cool beautiful leave color changing Fall. May they loose the triple digit weather and not see it again for a very, very long time.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

View on trouble in Colorado

You go to the movies to escape reality. The twelve people who perished at the hands of someone with no regard to life. You have a preditor and a victim and that is sum of the equation. There are no variables. The person who did the shooting in Colorado had a purpose that destroyed many lives, but brought together a community and nation. Even the political candidates put aside their agendas to look after the families who lost love ones. I hope we can return and watch movies in safe conditions and attend other activites in safe conditions.

Stuff to keep and Stuff to toss away

In my kitchen are piles of paper which I have to sort through to keep only the things I  need. Somehow the pile never goes away. I would make  lots of progress on one pile and a couple of days later it is twice the size it was before. At least I know there will be more stuff going out in the trash tomorrow. What stuff do you like to keep and what stuff do you get rid of right away? Do you keep political ads or do you get rid of them right away? How about people who want donations? Do you fill out the prize for for Reader's Digest? The work to sort will go on at my place for a very long time.

Monday, July 16, 2012

I challenge Hollywood

I challenge Hollywood to write a meaningful script where all the characters have a well developed purpose. I challenge Hollywood to write a script that isn't so high impact on action, but doesn't drag you into a pit of muck. I believe well known actors deserve to not be placed into a small meaningless role, but something equal to their talents. I watched part of the "Tyler Perry"movie and left because it dragged and did not hold my interest. I love to go to the movies and get the pop corn and diet coke, but I want to leave feeling like I was a part of a meaningful production.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Study the clouds

A more than relaxing time is to study the design of puffy white clouds which look like steps that you can climb. The white clouds have blue sky for a background. It has been fortunate to not have rain and to enjoy the sunlight of the day. I love watching the planes leave long white trails across the sky. I find it a bit weird when the plane doesn't hardly leave a trail. Coming home from work one time, I saw a plane and thought how many people could be on such a tiny looking plane up in the sky. I can see the rocket launches across the street. I like seeing the rocket trail when the rocket takes off. I also like to hear the sound from the engines when the sound travels up the coast.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

warm weather

I saw on the news that global warming was getting worse. There were reports that man made gases were causing alot of  problems. Iceburgs were melting faster and polar bears had no place to stay. I know the East Coast has had to deal with triple digits. The cold spells up North seem to be shorter. The Winter in Florida was very small. I worry about the temperature of the water being over 80 degrees. This is a big draw for storms like hurricanes.

doggy food

People food verses doggy food which do you think is better?  Now days doggy food is made with organic vegetables and chicken. It is almost like feeding your doggy people food. I was eating a piece of pie I made, when Max looked at me like he wanted a piece also. I gave him a small piece, but it drifted to the floor. I guess it was too cold for him to eat. The other night Max took an interest in a free packet of Rachel Ray dog food. He liked it eating morsel after morsel. The next day he turned his nose away from it. I intend on hold on to the Rachel Ray dog food sample and maybe he will start liking it again.

Max's morning time

Max has studied the wall outside for lizards. His eyes roll up and down in such animation. He has made some close encounters, but hasn't caught any lizards lately. I brought him indoors during the morning sun. The sun can be intense outside and he feels better and does better in the shade. I am grateful the weather is not in the triple digits, but the humidity drains the energy level. Max is letting out a commanding bark I guess he wants attention.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Being a resident on the East Coast (beachside), I see an occasional flyover from a pelican or a group of pelicans flying in flying formation. I don't see lots of big oversize crows which I see when I go to visit my sister inland on her farm. I see lots of cars on the road when I travel to my sister's place. I see regular cars and trucks. Sometimes a hybrid car which is suppose to run on both electricity and gas. I never see any solar cars. There are no cars or trucks on the road running totally on something other than gas. The big question is gas prices going up or down? How much of your hard earned dollar goes into the tank for gas to transport you to your destination? How many ice cream shops do you pass on your car or truck trip? Don't you think in this heat, they would be making lots of money?

my purse

Purses are a part of my daily life. My purse is usually from the second hand store operated by the pink ladies at the local hospital. I like a purse with lots of pockets to store my belongings. I carry more than one wallet. I have so many receipts.  I end up throwing most of them out. I collect lots of loose coins, so I can save up to buy a fancy pizza which I can share with my dog Max. This morning Max is perched up on the back of his office chair to look out the window for people and other dogs passing by. He gets disappointed when there is no one to bark at. This morning I plan to take my dog to the vet with my worn purse which I will need to replace with one hopefully with lots of pockets.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Movie Criteria

I seek original thought when seeing a new movie. I want a movie with a story line. It has a beginning and middle and a good ending. I don't want to be left puzzled or hanging or disappointed because it did not work out the way I wanted it. The movie I saw today had a plot which was hard to follow. It was buried in action after action. I got a medium butter popcorn and large diet coke. I was chomping down on the popcorn because of the nerves of the movie. There wasn't really a calm moment. The beginning, middle and ending had me devouring popcorn and drinking diet coke to wash down the butter and to be sure the popcorn doesn't get stuck in the throat. It was like a roller coaster ride which I wanted to get off, because I didn't have the good feeling. Puzzlement caused by not keeping track of the character's plots. This movie had lots of computer generated drama it seemed unreal.  Where is the dramatic actress with the good role? Where is the actor you can admire for being a hero to the audience?  Will there ever be another Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn?  Can there be another horse ride or boat ride?  Can you have a good cry when the movie touches your heart? I long for an original adventure where I can admire the characters and leave the theater feeling happy.

Longing for cooler weather

It is nice in the evening when the sun goes down to take my dog on his daily dog walk. We walk down to the end of the street and cross the road to a bike path with woods on the side. My dog gets to sniff every plant on the trail. He comes back panting with his tongue hanging out. He barks at me demanding to be taken on his daily walk. It turns out good for the both of us. We both come back somewhat tired at the end of the day and ready to watch television. As the night darkens the sky, I think how cool the earth is on the ground. It may have dew in the morning or it may be totally dry, but the ground is cool to the touch of my feet. I called a person in Indiana and my Aunt in North Carolina. They both stated that the weather would get into the triple digits. The news reports seem scary to me how people die from heat exhaustion. I don't see the fairness of the heatwave hitting the whole East Coast when most people are unprepared for no power and keeping the body cool. I look forward to the fall and the change of the seasons. I hope the summer heat doesn't last for long.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July

The end of a hot day is arriving. Blue sky with some white clouds. A day at home inside the air conditioning house with the television set blaring. The setting of the sun will allow me to take my dog out for an evening walk before the firecrackers and fireworks come out in full force tonight. I am hearing our country is 236 years old. When my mom made a recording back in 2010 it was 234 years of this country's history. My sister is going to see fireworks with a friend. I will watch on television if I don't find something more to my interest. I am sorry to hear about the passing of Andy Griffith. He reminded me so much of apple pie. Someone so pure, sweet, real and benificial to the wellness of others.

First day of July

Yes, it is hot again. My friend Bill came from Winter Garden to fix a sprinkler head.  We ate lunch at JB/s fishcamp where I got an oyster sandwich and he got a fish lunch.