Monday, August 27, 2012

Waiting for sunshine

It looks like Isaac is finally on its way out of Florida. I saw a little bit of a sunset this evening.There was a lite drizzle of rain coming down. The grass was sopping wet like a sponge. My shoes absorbed the water and will have to dry out tonight. I had to dry off Max on the porch. I have a chair with a bunch of old towels. He likes to bury himself in the towels while I rub his fur dry. He likes to be rubbed. He feels good after being rubbed by the towels. Meantime, I have time to play games on the computer and pay bills in the morning. Hopefully the sun will return and dry out the grass, leaves and trees.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The purpose of water

Imagine a waterfall in Tennessee that had different layers of rock with water flowing from one rock to the next. You would know the water would be fresh and you would presume it would be pure because it was so close to nature. Living on the coast salt water is the attraction for visitors and residents. Swimming and fishing to keep cool from the 90 plus heat. Florida also has high humidity. The humidity feels like a sponge full of water. I would take my dog Max walking in the morning before the sun gets high in the sky or late in the evening when the sun is very low. My head would sweat and my face would feel like it was melting like candle wax. This evening after we got home Max grabbed my shoe and was swinging it around the house like it was a chew toy. When I got my shoe back, I discovered it had a chew bite on it. He settled down afterwards and is sleeping well. I am munching on some blueberries that I bought from Publix. They are sweet and tasty. Tomorrow I have to go back to the store to stock up on supplies for the weekend. It will be another day of adventure.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I have a lot of admiration for the swimmer who attempted on more than one occassion to swim from Cuba to the United States of America. This latest attempt was cut short by 55 miles to Key West. When I heard her speak on television, she sounded like a very determined woman who would go after a task as if she would finish. I believe she could have finished, if she did not have the factors like jellyfish and storms to stop the progress. This wasn't her only attempt, but she was willing to try. Some people would not even try to accomplish a task. They may be safe, but would never risk to reach the ultimate goal. I wish her well and hope she inspires others to strive for their goals.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Not too long for Fall

I do have a red Hibiscus,peach Hibiscus, yellow Hibiscus and I am trying to grow a white Hibiscus. The neighbor down the road has a pink Hibiscus. It is nice to see these flowers growing in the summer. The storms have been quite threatening and the humidity has been thick. Max and I take our walk late in the evening. After the rain and before daylight, the temperature guage has read sixty degrees on the porch. I don't believe this guage. Somehow the weather still feels a bit too warm. My sister says the Goldenrod has bloomed where she lives. This is a sure sign of Fall in Florida. Monday, the kids go back to school and the beach returns to the adults. This seems to be the good thought of the day.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dog days of Summer

Most of my time during the day is spent with my dog Max. Sometimes I have to lock him in his crate or what I call Jail to go shopping for groceries or do other task. In the middle of the day, the sun is too intense to walk a dog on the hot asphalt. We take our walks in the evening when the shadows from the trees turn long and the walk is a tad bit more durable. The great joy of having icy thoughts is at least your brain is cooled down. During lunch I saw a routine done at the Summer Olympics where the girl would twirl around like she was ice skating. She was not ice skating on the dance floor. It was a gymnastics routine done with a ball and a hula hoop. I was simply amaze how bendable and flexable these young ladies showcase to us. It was the kind of thing I have seen on "America has got talent." The coolest place over at the beach is our local Publix. I think I saw a hawk fly overhead, but I wasn't totally positive. I think the hawks would favor the cooler weather. I would only think the snakes would favor the warmer weather. What would your ideal weather be like? I would like to see different color fall leaves and have it cool enough to see your breath. I would like something warm to drink so I would not get too cold. I like the weather brisk, but not too cold. Maybe a couple of months down the road we will notice a weather change.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What to think

It can sometimes be very frustrating talking to a recording or machine that tries to second guess what you have planned. Sometimes it can seem humerous when you have this recording on speaker phone on and your doggy answers back. The machine does not understand what your doggy is trying to say. Woof!! Woof!! The machine does not understand doggy talk. Maxwell, you blew a hole into the cold mentality of a machine that can send you to a distant place you did not or want to go. A machine must not be allow to dictate what man is meant to do. The jobs and the thinking still belong to mankind. May I alway be allow to think this way.

Monday, August 6, 2012


I get so involved in the new television lineup. I watch my share of animal shows. I like the "Turtleman." I also like to see the people catch catfish with their bare hands. They would walk down the muddy waters and stick their feet and arms into holes where the catfish hangout. Someone strings the catfish and they pull the catfish out of the hole and weight it. The person or team that has the most points from catching the most catfish in weight gets a trophy. One guy got a coon hat for a prize. I am also changing my internet provider. There is alot to learn with the new guys. I hope with time I will be use to what they can provide and enjoy it.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lizard man

There is nothing like watching your doggy chase lizards with his tail wagging and such serious behavior.This is Max's one passion where he is able to block every "here Max" and almost every dog that walks down the street. I did see on television this one dog show where an English bulldog wanted to sleep all the time. Max just wants to try and catch lizards. He may get them or not, but it is the chase he is really after. We are suppose to get a tropical wave this weekend. This is getting to be prime season for hurricanes. Hopefully this year will be uneventful in the weather department.