Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday at home

This morning I saw a humming bird on the orange honeysuckle plant. The humming bird was very busy trying to get the pollen out of the plant. I marvel when a humming bird with a green and yellow neckline is up against a bright orange honeysuckle plant with other red flowery plants close by. Today was warmer and not much activity from the neighbors. One person was whistling which disturbed my dog Max. The whistling sent my dog into a barking marathon. I had biscuits and gravy and pumpkin coffee from Dunkin Doughnut. I have been enjoying the flavored coffee. It is very mild and perks up my day in the morning. I have enough breakfast leftovers to last a couple of days. I have cube steak to cook for dinner. What a nice way to finish out Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I keep hoping to see a hummingbird near the house but so far none. I keep the empty hummingbird feeder hanging in the garage ready to go at a moments notice if I happen to see one. I think that they are such a beautiful bird with their irridescent feathers. How is the beach after the big waves? Lose much sand? Lew
