Thursday, November 1, 2012

Back to sultry weather

This is a picture of my mom and my friend Lillian at the Italian restaurant in Ocoee, Florida. This picture was taken along time ago. The cool weather has left New Smyrna and the rainy damp warm weather has returned. I had Chinese food for lunch and dinner today and shared the chicken part with my dog Max. I had Max out front to look for lizards and he found none. The lizards were gone and he was bored. He had nothing to show for his effort. Maybe tomorrow will hold a better result in catching lizards. I miss the cooler weather and wish for it to return. I did hear the clocks get turned back an hour this weekend. I will have to get use to the change. My dog is still barking for attention. I guess I will turn my attentions to him and the lizards.

1 comment:

  1. A nice picture of your two best friends, your mom and lunch-mate Lillian.
    I like getting Chinese food at lunchtime when they have their lunch specials. And they always give so much that I have enough left over for a second meal. What kind of doggy treats do you give to Max? Enjoy life. Lew
